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China Completes Main Body of FAST, the World's Biggest Radio Telescope?

Release Time:2016-07-19    Views:    Author:Admin

July 3, 2016

At 10:50 am on July 3, with the installation of the last reflecting surface unit, the FAST main project was successfully completed.


World's largest radio telescope FAST begins operations on August 2rd 2015. The Five Hundred Metre Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), also known in Chinese as 'Tianyan' or "eye of the sky," has a reception area as big as 30 football fields and is on track to be finished in September as scheduled.



After overcoming the difficulties of large-scale, high-precision assembly and construction, as well as large span and high position hoisting construction problems, after 11 months of hard work, the reflection surface of nearly 30 football fields was gradually laid out by a piece of reflective surface unit.


The reflective surface system project is also the last equipment project of FAST, and its successful completion marks the successful completion of the main project of FAST engineering.


As the main supplier of FAST project safety monitoring instruments, CGEO Instruments participated in the health monitoring service during the construction period and operation period of the steel structure and cable force of the FAST project, and escorted the safety construction of the FAST project.