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CGEO Instruments providing the installation and commissioning of automated systems in the project of Heightening of Roseires Dam, Sudan, North Africa

Release Time:2013-04-22    Views:    Author:Admin

April 22, 2013
The Sultan Roceres dam heightening project added 10 m in height and 12km in length to the existing dam, increasing its storage capacity to 7.4 billion cubic meters.

The first dams were built on the Nile in 1861 in order to raise the river levels for easier navigation and increased irrigation. Major dams on the Nile today include Aswan Dam, Roseries Dam, Sennar Dam and Owen Falls Dam. The Roseires Dam, also called Rosseiris Dam, is on the Blue Nile at Ad Damazin, just upstream of the town of Er Roseires, in Sudan. The original dam, built in 1966 for irrigation purposes, consists of a concrete buttress dam 1 km wide with a maximum height of 68M, and an earth dam on either side. The earth dam on the eastern bank is 4km long, and that on the western bank is 8.5 km long. The reservoir is about 290 km2.
CGEO Instruments provided safety monitoring instruments such as piezometers, load cell, inclinometer and Rebar gauge to the project of Heightening of Roseires Dam. These monitoring instruments have been fully installed as the project progresses smoothly.
Recently, Beijing SOIL has dispatched some technical engineers to carry out the final automation system commissioning for this dam project.