

The Model CGEO-IPI MEMS Tiltsensor is designed for attachment to structures, on either a vertical or horizontal surface, and for the subsequent measurement of any tilting that may occur. The sensor itself is a MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) sensor which offers a high range, with high sensitivity and accuracy. The included associated signal conditioning yields an output of ±4 V at ±15° and designed to drive long cables without degradation.


CGEO-TILT1/TILTG Tiltsensors are designed to measure tilt in structures, including buildings, dams, embankments, slopes, retaining walls, open pits, etc.

The Model CGEO-TILT1 MEMS Tiltsensor is designed for attachment to structures, on either a vertical or horizontal surface, and for the subsequent measurement of any tilting that may occur. The sensor itself is a MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) sensor which offers a high range, with high sensitivity and accuracy. The included associated signal conditioning yields an output of ±4 V at ±15° and designed to drive long cables without degradation.
The Model CGEO-TILTG Tiltsensor is also designed for attachment to structures, on either a vertical or horizontal surface to measure any tilting that may occur, but is packaged in a rugged steel enclosure with a mounting plate. CGEO-TILTG is a small-range tiltsensor which offers high sensitivity and accuracy (Resolution to 0.2”), designed for precision measurement of the structure.

Key Features

◆Accurate and precise measurements
◆Robust design and reliable
◆Fit for manual or remote reading
◆Available in uniaxial and biaxial versions
◆Inbuilt temperature compensation

Main Specifications

Range :±15° (Vertical)/ ±15° (Horizontal)      ±0.25°/±0.5° (Vertical)
Resolution :      <10 arc seconds <0.5”(0.0001°)
Accuracy :            ±0.1% F.S.                           <1” (0.0002°)
Operating Temperature: -20 to + 80°C
Sensor Output:      ±4V@±15°                            0.25~4.75V
Input Voltage:         12 VDC                              12VDC, 15mA
Dimensions: Φ34mm x215mm                (L)70mm x (W)70mm x (H) 40mm

The Model CGEO-TILT MEMS Tiltsensor is designed for attachment to structures,once the location for the MEMS Tiltsensor has been established the position is marked out, ensuring that the sensor is correctly orientated towards the
direction of movement. The marked locations are drilled to depth and the 8mm shell anchors supplied with the Tiltsensor are installed. Studding is screwed into the shell anchors, leaving a sufficient length to incorporate the bracket and
the Tiltsensor. A spirit level is used to check that the Tiltsensor is level in both directions, and then the nuts are securely tightened before the Tiltsensor is finally wired into a datalogger.
BSIL- CGEO-TILTG is a small-range tiltsensor with high-precision (Resolution is up to 0.2”) which is itself placed in an adjustable mount. The sensor is fixed to the structure. Once installed, thumbwheels at one end allow the sensor to be adjusted to the zero position using a handheld readout.